Assessment Management and Analysis of a Tourism Destination


  • Mariya Zlatkova STANKOVA Assoc. Prof. Dr. on Economics and Tourism, with courses on Destination Management, Tour Agencies Management and Cultural Heritage

Anahtar Kelimeler:

Management- Competitiveness- Tourism Destination- Winter Destination- Sustainable Development


Contemporary tourism is one of the few branches, creating jobs in the big Bulgarian cities and big tourist centers as in the rural and mountain areas, giving a variety of opportunities for over fifty kinds of specialists from different ages. In those frames, the purpose of this paper is to discover, analyze and evaluate the competitiveness potential of the winter ski tourist destination Bansko, Bulgaria, compared to other six destinations, all of them offering winter skiing and being direct competitors.

The combined, the expert method, the sociological method and the method of observation are used for the analysis of competitiveness. The object of study is the competitiveness of tourism destination Bansko, Bulgaria for a number of parameters. The values are derived on the basis of expert researches and real user reviews - of tourists who already visited the related destinations and gave their opinion and evaluation in the websites such as Tripadvisor, Virtual Tourist, Holiday Watchdog.

In its complexness, the paper offers a model for sustainable planning and development for the surveyed tourism destination.

Yazar Biyografisi

Mariya Zlatkova STANKOVA, Assoc. Prof. Dr. on Economics and Tourism, with courses on Destination Management, Tour Agencies Management and Cultural Heritage

Faculty of Economics, "Tourism" Department

Associated Professor, PhD



Nasıl Atıf Yapılır

STANKOVA, M. Z. (2011). Assessment Management and Analysis of a Tourism Destination. International Journal of Contemporary Economics and Administrative Sciences, 1(1), 65–77. Geliş tarihi gönderen


