Antecedents of The Mobile Shopping: A Scale Development and Validation


  • Serhat Karaoglan Kirikkale University
  • Tülin Durukan Kirikkale University



Mobile shopping behavior may differ from traditional online shopping, as it is connected to a mobile device. This study was conducted to research the antecedents of mobile shopping. In this study, an inductive scale development study was conducted for mobile shopping. Thirty-nine items obtained after interviews with 17 consumers were presented to the opinion of 8 experts and were reduced to 34 items. Then, the items were turned into questions during the scale design phase. At this stage, the readability of the questionnaire was evaluated by experts. Therefore, a pilot study was conducted with 30 people. Later, 987 mobile shopping users participated in the purification study, and 34 items were reduced to 19 items. The antecedents of the mobile shopping scale, which comprise price advantage, ease, place advantage, enjoyment, and privacy dimensions, were validated with a new data set of 390 participants. A scale has been developed about mobile shopping, which has become a daily habit of consumers in the age of digitalized marketing through rapidly advancing technology and developments. The scale includes elements that direct consumers to mobile shopping and can be defined as mobile shopping's antecedents.




Как цитировать

Karaoglan, S., & Durukan, T. (2021). Antecedents of The Mobile Shopping: A Scale Development and Validation. International Journal of Contemporary Economics and Administrative Sciences, 12(1), 483–504.


