Professional Fraud-Corruption Case Example
If we looked at the oldest fraud and its history, it goes to until the invention of money (about 750 th year B.C ).There is also certain range of fraud in the barter system. After merchandise commoditization, the fraud has gained speed with exchange of gold-copper ratio in the mix of coins and decreasing the value by various methods etc.
The fraud consist of irregularity. In other words if there is an irregularity which has criminal element can be mentioned about accounting fraud. The fraud audit basically consist of abuse, fraud or activity that used for measurement of the conclusion loss of neglience. At the same time the fraud audit can except as part of judging process or file a suit against the concerned institution about financial claim.
The research explain the issue with the audit report of fraud, abuse and corruption.
ACFE Küresel Hile Raporu 2016.
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