Battlefield Tourism: An Examination of Events Held by European Institutions and Their Websites Related to Battlefields


  • Yakin Ekin Akdeniz University Faculty of Tourism Department of Recreation Management
  • Onur Akbulut Mugla Sitki Kocman University Fethiye Faculty of Business Department of Tourism Management


Heritage tourism, Thanatourism, Dark Tourism, Battlefields, Battlefield Tourism


The wars that have taken place throughout the history of mankind have brought many deaths and devastation. Throughout history, visits have been realized to areas where battles have taken place. In our age of information technology with the developments experienced in communication technologies, many experiences have emerged that directed the members of societies to tourism movements. One of these experiences is tourism movements for battlefields. In this research, the battlefields that existed throughout history but which have begun to be discussed recently in the academic world have been explored. European institutions and their websites related to battlefields examined. Three institutions and their websites determined after the application of snowball sampling method. Firstly qualitative information related to three institutions examined and secondly quantitative information regard to events advertised in institutions’ web sites analyzed. Finally, some suggestions have been put forward about the tourism demand and its structure for these areas.



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How to Cite

Ekin, Y., & Akbulut, O. (2018). Battlefield Tourism: An Examination of Events Held by European Institutions and Their Websites Related to Battlefields. International Journal of Contemporary Economics and Administrative Sciences, 8(1), 73–123. Retrieved from


