Women's Entrepreneurship in Turkey: Evidence from OECD Data





Beyond being an employment choice, its contributions to national development, and being one of the main actors in fighting against unemployment, women’s entrepreneurship has become a much-debated, supported, and subjected concept to many research fields. From a socially constructed perspective, after the 1990s, the supposedly generic structure of entrepreneurship has started to be considered as "gendered". Consequently, "less ambitious, less profit-oriented, smaller-scale" kind of generalized references to women have started to be considered as the results of measurement mistakes. From this perspective, one of the fundamental determinants of women’s entrepreneurship is believed to be family embeddedness consisting of unpaid household chores and childcare responsibilities.  In this context, the aim of this study is to quantitatively reveal if family-embeddedness is effective on the number of women entrepreneurships in Turkey, and in case of its association, to reveal how, depending on OECD data. With this aim, OECD data covering 2006-2017 is used for a causality analysis. The findings show that there are causal links between economic and non-economic factors and the number of women’s entrepreneurship.


Duygu Seckin-Halac, yasar university

She became an associate professor of Management and Strategy in July 2020 due to the evaluation of the Interuniversity Board of Turkey. After a five-year industry experience, she has been working at Yasar University since 2010. She also completed a second master's program with a thesis, "Women's Studies." Her research interest covers entrepreneurship and gender. She has published many academic papers in proceedings, books, and several international refereed journals on strategic management, innovation, and entrepreneurship.

Umut Halac

Associate Professor Umut Halac is currently working in Yasar University, Department of Economics. He got his Ph.D. and Master's degrees from Dokuz Eylul University, Institute of Social Sciences, Department of Economics. He has a major in macroeconomics and a minor in econometrics. His interests are macroeconomy and applied econometrics. He is an active member of national and international projects and cooperations.





