Analysis of Sustainability Disclosures Using a GRI Based Evaluation Methodology


  • Bengü Yardımcı Yaşar University
  • Mustafa Gürol Durak



This study aims to analyze the level of sustainability disclosures published by Borsa Istanbul listed companies using a GRI (Global Reporting Initiative) -based evaluation methodology. This two-step methodology consists of a scoring tool and a Multi-Weighted Sustainability Disclosure Checklist (WSDC) that bases on the GRI standards, the previous literature, and the expertise of financial experts. Using a sample of 29 companies listed in the Borsa Istanbul Sustainability Index, an in-depth content analysis method is applied to reveal the extent to which Turkish companies disclose their sustainability-related information. The findings of the content analysis are interpreted in terms of each disclosure item and each company's score. Company scores indicate minor differences among the sustainability disclosures of the sample reports.  The findings reveal a high level of compliance mainly in “manufacturing” companies. It is followed by “financial institutions,” “transportation, telecommunication and storage,” “wholesale and retail trade, hotels and restaurants,” electricity, gas and water,” and “technology,” respectively. Financial institutions tend to disclose more economic information, manufacturing companies prefer to present more disclosures on environmental and social issues than companies in other sectors. The scores of disclosure items reveal that companies disclose more on environmental and economic rather than social disclosures. Economic disclosure of anti-competitive behavior, environmental disclosures of consumption of water sources, emissions, reduction of energy consumption, and the level of compliance with laws and regulations, social disclosures of employee training programs, and occupational health and safety receive high scores.

Biografía del autor/a

Mustafa Gürol Durak

Yasar University, Faculty of Business




Cómo citar

Yardımcı, B., & Durak, M. G. (2022). Analysis of Sustainability Disclosures Using a GRI Based Evaluation Methodology: . International Journal of Contemporary Economics and Administrative Sciences, 12(2), 799–828.


